Compass Physiotherapy Disclaimer

The information on this site is the property of Compass Physiotherapy Pty Ltd and subject to copyright. Unauthorised use of the information is not permitted.

The information on Compass Physiotherapy website is provided on an ‘as is’ basis.

Information contained in this website should not in any way be used to replace professional assessment and advice. Nothing contained in this website is intended to be used as medical advice and it is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We advise you to always seek out the appropriate medical or physio consultant in person, so that you receive the correct advice in your particular area of treatment, symptom or physical condition.

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Compass Physiotherapy hereby disclaim all responsibility and all liability without limitation for any expenses, losses, damages and costs you may incur as a result of the material published on this website or any linking website.

Treatment and assessment information and associated costs are available from Compass Physiotherapy. All the information on this site is subject to change without notice.

Compass Physiotherapy Pty Ltd
ABN: 84 629 903 582
Trading as Compass Physiotherapy.