lifetime/Workers Care

A kid on a wheelchair

Lifetime/Workers Care

Compass Allied Health is a multidisciplinary team of experienced Physiotherapists, Speech Pathologists and Exercise Physiologists. Our therapists are passionate about supporting participants who have suffered significant trauma and have all upskilled in a range of conditions to ensure the highest quality of care.

There are a large number of Lifetime/Workers Care participants currently linked in with Compass therapists. Considerable time and resources have been put into implementing systems and training to ensure that we are delivering an excellent service and securing what participants need from a therapeutic perspective.

The team prides itself on their clinical skills, ability to communicate with all parties, willingness to advocate for the needs of the participant and reliability in submitting necessary reports promptly.

For more information about who is on the team and what they specialise in, please check our about us page.

We Can Support Participants with:

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    Traumatic Brain Injury
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    Orthopaedic Inuries e.g. neck, back knee, hip, shoulder, wrist and hand injuries
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    Spinal Cord Injury
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    Nerve Damage
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    Persistent/Chronic Pain
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    Scar Management
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    Chest Injuries
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    Amputation/Lost Limbs

What We Offer:

Compass offers a flexible and accessible service to accommodate the various needs of people who have suffered significant trauma. Our consultations can take place in the school, home, workplace, community facility or Compass HQ Clinic. A personalised management plan is developed for every participant that is goal orientated, measurable and attainable.

In addition to therapeutic consultations, we can provide assessment, trial and prescription of assistive technologies e.g. walking frames, standing frames, customised splints, footwear, AFO’s and orthotics.

We can assist with transitions to school (making sure staff and/or peers are ready to help your child achieve their potential at school).

We can help with inclusion in community activities e.g. sports, leisure and workplace.

Ann Buchan standing at the side of compass allied health car

Please see the step by step summary below for an understanding of what it would look like to link in with our Lifetime/Workers Care service:

1. Online referral is submitted for the participant.

2. Senior Compass therapist triages the referral.

3. Participant is contacted by Compass admin and an initial appointment is booked.

4. Initial Consult: 1hr 30mins | 2hrs of follow up time is allocated for the therapist to formulate a plan, establish programs, communicate with the care team, collaborate with the Compass team and generate report.

5. Recommendations and a 6 month plan are submitted to the agency for approval.

6. Follow up appointments are booked until the next plan review based off the therapist’s recommendation eg: 45mins fortnightly home visits.

7. Services are delivered and any AT or small consumables are assessed/trialed/prescribed.

8. Two weeks before the plan review date the therapist submits their service plan review which recommends what the participant will need in the next plan cycle and provides all necessary clinical supporting evidence.

9. Once new plan date is allocated, the process repeats from step 5.

FAQs About Dry Needling

How does Dry Needling work?


Dry Needling is a procedure in which thin, solid needle filaments are inserted into the painful areas of muscles or tissues of the body. The needles penetrate through the skin into the sensitive myofascial trigger points (irritable hard knots within the muscle) and stimulate the underlying muscles to relieve pain.

The stimulation of pain receptors also causes a release of the bodies opiate chemicals or ‘Happy Hormones’ e.g. Endorphins. These are natural pain relievers in your brain and are also released with activities such as exercise, laughing, socialising, eating certain foods like dark chocolate and a glass of red wine.

How is Dry Needling used?


The use of Dry Needling is usually performed as part of a larger treatment plan which can include a variety of other aspects such as targeted exercises, stretching, joint mobilisation, massage and taping.

What kind of needles are used?


Dry needling involves a very thin needle. Needles are single use, and sterile. The needles are of different lengths, which are used for getting to trigger points in different sized muscles. After use the needle is disposed of safely in a sharps container which we bring.

Is it painful?


Most patients don’t feel a thing when the needle is inserted, other than an initial twitch. The minor twitch response is an involuntary contraction of the muscle fibres around the area being treated. This twitch response is a natural reflex stemming from your spinal cord and indicates proper placement of a needle in the targeted trigger point.

Is it safe?


Dry needling is a safe technique with very few mild side-effects. You may experience mild skin bruising and muscle soreness at the site of needle insertion. Most patients experience less discomfort after needling then a deep tissue massage, however you will need to avoid strenuous activity for a few days as you might feel a dull ache and this will also maximise treatment effects.

Every form of treatment can carry associated risk. Before undertaking any treatment your Physiotherapist will explain the risks and can ask you some health questions to determine whether Dry Needling is the best intervention for you based on your injury and your general health.

Compass Allied Health

A convenient and accessible mobile service that aims to improve the health of our clients and community.
